Published: 19th March 2020
Published: 19th March 2020
You now have until midnight on Tuesday 30th June to submit your entries to the Cornwall Business Awards.
In recognition of the challenging conditions facing all businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, they are extending the deadline to allow time to focus on addressing the impact coronavirus may have on their organisations.
The new timetable also includes a longer online judging period and the postponement of the Awards ceremony which was due to take place at the end of June. The organisers, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth & Skills Hub and Cornwall Development Company, will monitor the evolving situation closely and make a decision about rescheduling the gala event informed by the latest advice.
If you are not sure how to start your application, sign up for a Top Tips webinar with all the insider knowledge on writing a winning entry. Head over to the Cornwall Business awards website to sign up and download the questions to help you prepare your entry offline.
Find out more about the awards and sign up for FREE here