Published: 18th November 2020
Published: 18th November 2020
Amidst the chaos of Covid it’s tempting to keep your head down, do what you normally do and hope things will get better. Not at FreeHeel Design! To meet the future head on they’ve been investing in ensuring they are the most socially and environmentally aware and responsible design practice possible. This is why it is great for them to now be one of 1% for the Planet’s newest business members. 1% is a global movement which since its creation in 2002 has helped its network of members give back more than $270 million to the environment through directing 1% of their profit each year to highly vetted environmental nonprofit organisations. This is just one initiative among many being explored and implemented at FreeHeel as they work through impact assessment processes toward being a better business in the world and for the world. #design #sustainability #environment