Ultramed Ltd

Ultramed was founded in Cornwall, in October 2014, by Dr Paul Upton and Alan Sanders. Paul worked clinically for over 30 years in the NHS as an anaesthetist t and later Medical Director. Alan is a Creative Director, and owner of Sanders Studios – a high-end digital production company.

Combining clinical leadership and design expertise, Ultramed provides health technology for people via a suite of programs used in the preparation of patients for procedures and operations – the suite is called Ultraprep.


Ultraprep is an integrated suite of online health assessment programs. Patients create their Ultramed accounts online and fill out their details in the relevant program. Once complete, they share their information securely with the healthcare provider performing the procedure. Patients can update their information at any time if they need another procedure or operation. An important feature is that patients own their Ultramed accounts and they choose to share their information with healthcare providers each time and as required. Completed information is saved and populates the other programs within Ultraprep.


The Ultraprep suite of innovative online pre-procedure assessment programs empowers patients, is convenient for patients, improves processes, saves healthcare staff resources and reduces costs.


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Ultramed receive first ever King’s Award for Enterprise

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Ultramed in DIT’s First 100 digital health companies to promote globally

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