Published: 21st February 2018
Published: 21st February 2018
Cornwall Chamber of Commerce and Visit Cornwall have teamed up to create International Tourism Week.
Export for Growth, an ERDF and government funded programme delivered in Cornwall by Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, has joined forces with Visit Cornwall to create Cornwall’s first International Tourism Week. Whilst predictions for international tourism in 2018 are the highest in years, now is the time for all businesses, big or small to consider raising their game and selling to an overseas market.
According to the tourism body, overseas visits to the UK are forecast to break through the 40 million mark for the first time in 2018, reaching 41.7 million, up 4.4 per cent on 2017, which is expected to see 39.9 million total visits with increasing numbers coming to Cornwall. Cornwall still rates far above the national average for visitor satisfaction and spend per visit is increasing.
Overseas visitors lean towards staying in smaller guesthouses and hotels to get a feel of ‘home life’ in the county, as well as preferring to experience the culture of a place. International Tourism Week is aimed at offering support to tourism and leisure businesses wanting to find out how to target online ads to suit international guests and hear all about a bursary scheme: offering tourism businesses financial support to drive overseas sales forward.*
*eligibility criteria apply
Kim Conchie from Cornwall Chamber of Commerce said, “We are really excited to be launching the first Cornwall International Tourism Week, in collaboration with Visit Cornwall. Although the workshops and bursary element are restricted to supporting specifically leisure and tourism businesses, we are confident that the initiative will benefit the Duchy as a whole. Whilst a trip to the key cutters or re-soling ones shoes is not at the top of every tourist’s agenda, everyday services are accessed when international visitors come to spend their euros, dollar and yen.”
To find out how Export for Growth could help business in Cornwall, attend one of these events or contact Laura Barnes at Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. Fully funded by the ERDF, spaces on these events are FREE and will book up quickly.
Tickets: bit.ly/2GV8rHw
Read more about the campaign here.
Contact: laura@cornwallchamber.co.uk | 01209 240403